Friday, April 10, 2009

New Rasmussen Report Indicates 53% of Americans Prefer Capitalism

A new Rasmussen Report came out yesterday, April 9, found here, indicating that "only 53% of American adults believe capitalism is better than socialism."

Investors, according to the Report, by a 5-to-1 margin choose capitalism. As for those who do not invest, 40% say capitalism is better while 25% prefer socialism.

The Report also notes a a partisan gap as well. Republicans - by an 11-to-1 margin - favor capitalism. Democrats are much more closely divided: Just 39% say capitalism is better while 30% prefer socialism. As for those not affiliated with either major political party, 48% say capitalism is best, and 21% opt for socialism.

Buried in the report's findings is the following statement: "The question posed by Rasmussen Reports did not define either capitalism or socialism".

What?!!?! Can this really be an effective poll given that no definition of each is offered prior to the survey? Both terms are incredibly loaded. Socialism to many has a negative connotation, especially here in the United States. So much so that the next logical question --- what is socialism and what would it look like -- is never even considered.